Capital Improvements
The Eufaula Public Works Authority began the process for major water line improvements in 2018. After conducting a city-wide water analysis and adopting a capital improvement plan for the water system, the EPWA was approved for a $7,185,000 loan from the Oklahoma Water Resource Board in December 2018. Engineering survey and design work began immediately on the replacement of over 60,000 feet of water lines, 75 isolation valves and 70 fire hydrants.
-Proposed Line Replacement Map
-Proposed Map Detailed Version
Estimated Timeline
April 12: All engineering submitted to DEQ. Complete.
Late April/Early May: DEQ issues permit for water system improvements. Complete.
June 7: Bid opening for first project and submission to DEQ for approval (minimum 21-day bid period with an additional week). Complete.
Early June: DEQ approves and recommends the loan closing for $6,185,000. Complete.
June 18: Eufaula Public Works Authority consideration for approval of the loan documents. Complete.
August/September: Begin construction on Package A. Complete.
February: Continue working with grant agencies for potential extra funding for Packages B and C. Complete.
April: Finalize grant funding documentation. IHS funding of $590,000 complete. BoR funding of $1.5 million complete.
May: Advertise bids for Packages B and C. Complete.
July 6: Award contract for Package B/C. Complete.
July 30: Complete Package A. Complete.
August/September: Begin construction for Package B/C. 35% Complete as of 12/7/2020.
December: Complete construction for Package B/C.
Important Links:
Water Sewer Rate Table Charges - Effective for the October 2019 Billing Cycle
Fee Schedule Resolution approved 9/10/2018
Public Works Director
Willie Eastteam
(918) 617-2595
Utility Billing Clerk
Stevie Lambert